EQRNet is CSI's new generation EQResponse solution.

eqrnet eqresponseOur response to the lessons of the Canterbury, Seddon and Kaikoura earthquakes, EQRNet improves post-quake decisions by giving a detailed picture of building-by-building earthquake shaking.  

EQRNet consists of over 100 ground shaking measurement points in the city and a processing system that instantly compares every building's design limits to the shaking beneath it. Critical buildings have additional sensors to measure how the structure responds to the ground shaking. Results are sent immediately to the building manager's phone, and to the structural engineer and city-wide data is instantly available for emergency management teams.  Public data lets individuals to manage their own personal earthquake response.

For any earthquake, big or small, evidence-based decisions deliver best-practice Health and Safety, reduce business interruption and accelerate economic recovery. EQRNet benefits any person or organisation who must make critical safety and commercial decisions after a quake. EQRNet is a commercial service, but has a strong public good component.

CSI is proud to rolling out EQRNet with the help and support of the Christchurch City Council Smart Cities Programme.

Read more here.  Link to Star Media article here.