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EQRNet is CSI's response to the lessons of the Christchurch and Kaikoura earthquakes. It improves post-quake decisions by giving a detailed picture of building by building earthquake shaking.

A new generation solution, EQRNet delivers improved earthquake resilience on a city-wide scale. Using a cloud-based subscription model, combined with CSI's super-dense seismic instrumentation network, we deliver a unique, proprietary batch of services to our Users.   

Earthquake Response, Effects and Management, not science. Specifically designed to improve city-wide future response and resilience.


EQRNet provides services and solutions, not equipment sales. Subscription service model is based on years of hard-won experience, and what delivers maximum benefits.

ü  200 m sensor spacing or less between stations. Close spacing allows CSI to confidently and accurately estimate shaking between sensors.

ü  Reliable, simple cell communications

ü  Accurate ground shaking data enabling rapid assessment for every individual building

ü  Genuine mass coverage for city-wide building occupancy and emergency management decisions.

ü  Metre-by-metre shaking intensity relative to Building Code: instant spatial heat-map of potential damage.

ü  At a glance, ascertain the numbers and areas of affected buildings: rapid, accurate and defensible decisions; a reduced “red zone

ü  Priority assessment (triage) for below-ground infrastructure


ü  No expensive capital requirement up front – pay-as-you-go.

ü  Unlinking sensor stations from buildings – not every building needs to be directly instrumented.

ü  Where sensor equipment is required, our new generation EQR range provides simple, no-fuss installation; 30 minutes or less. CSI does everything – only a power point is needed.

ü  Ubiquitous cellular communication means no IT system integration problems for the User.

ü  Eliminates equipment ownership issues; no maintenance, obsolescence or end-of-life replacement hassles.

ü  Eliminates User risks associated with loss of key personnel and institutional knowledge – a real, but often unacknowledged problem.

ü  A significant reduction in 5-year total cost of service, compared to our traditional sales model.


EQRNet Technical Basis

EQRNet directly compares ground shaking against the NZ Building Code design demand of any individual structure – big or small, new or old, on any ground condition and of any importance level. We do this by generating, in real time, a ground response spectrum for every individual building covered by our service. Unlike the currently available measures such as Mercalli Scale, or peak ground acceleration, our new approach relates the shaking acceleration (its intensity) and its frequency (how rapid the shaking is), to how the structure behaves. The Ground Response Spectrum is easily related to building design strength in ways other measurements cannot.

uls explainedBased on the expected size of large earthquakes, the NZ Building Code defines limit state curves of shaking intensity vs. frequency. The curves are scaled based on soil type, building importance level and percentage of code.

Shaking beyond the Ultimate Limit State means the building has exceeded its design, with possible structural damage. Shaking below the Serviceability Limit State means the building remains fully serviceable.


 EQRNet:  Real-time decision information

 eqrnet how it works 2


Building Wardens and Facility Managerseqrlite

Instant easily understood information to the decision-maker in your business.  Ground shaking instantly compared to to each building's design limit state. Supports immediate, building specific actions and decisions

EQRNet Condition GREEN – Shaking below SLS. Business as Usual

EQRNet Condition AMBER – Shaking above SLS, below ULS. Expected onset of moderate non-structural damage.

EQRNet Condition RED – Shaking above ULS. Expected moderate to major non-structural damage, possible structural damage.


Building Owners and Structural Engineerseqrmax

Detailed event information for every building, sent directly to the building owner and structural engineer. Post-quake damage assessment, repair and re-occupancy decisions.

EQRNet building status dashboard, expanded to include multiple buildings

Instant ground response spectra, relative to building Serviceability Limit State and Ultimate Limit State. Horizontal spectra aligned to building transverse and longitudinal axes. Vertical response spectrum available.

MMI, PGA, PGV, duration and other event indicators

Building Inspectors and Civil Defenceeqrmap2

Area wide summary information, ground shaking relative to NZ Building code. Allows triage of area zones and/or buildings, and prioritisation of initial response. Suitable for campus, city or regional response; reduced red-zoning, better business continuity and improved economic resilience.




Available for Everyoneeqrpeople

Simplified ground shaking map and personalised infromation for your family.  





EQRNet: unified data collection from simple to complex

Understand building response in more detail; not just the shaking input, but how the building responds. EQRNet Ground Response is only the start. We also offer fully integrated building specific solutions, from simple to complex.

added value services